UNLIMITED Youth Ministries exists to expose students to the realities of the saving and sanctifying power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our hope is that students who join with us feel welcomed, safe, encouraged, and challenged to live a life that looks less like them and more like Jesus. We do this in a multitude of ways, including a mid-week youth group for both middle and high school students, Sunday morning bible study times, and monthly events. We believe that these students are not just the future of the church, but are the church now. We want the students who come here to feel empowered to live the life of the body of Christ that they are called to live in scripture. 

While we are constantly striving to spend intentional time with these students, fostering relationships in the Name of Jesus and for the sake of His kingdom, we understand that the majority of the shaping and loving ministry in their lives happens in the home. With that in mind, we desire to partner with families in all that we can to minister best not only to their students, but to others as well. UNLIMITED Youth Ministries believes that without God, it is impossible to love fully, give grace completely, or to forgive unashamedly. Without God, it is impossible to be saved from our desperately sinful nature.

β€œFor with man, this is impossible, but with God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!”

Contact Pastor Eli for questions. eli@cpbc.org


One-Time Permission Slip

FAMILY sUNDAY sCHOOL 9:30am {September-July}

Youth Group TuesdaYS 6:30-8pm

= Middle School/High School Youth Group =

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