Why The Journey?
If you desire deeper love for God and others, and long to be like Jesus – living, sharing, serving like Him, then consider participating in this community.
The Journey provides participants an introspective look into how God has shaped them through critical incidents in their lives, while engaging in relationships with others and His word. The Journey is also a safe place to develop genuine trusting relationships and engage with mentoring as a lifestyle.
What will I be required to do?
· Meet once a week for approximately 2 hours
· Do homework, which takes a minimum of 2 hours per week
· Meet with your mentor at least twice per month
· Participate in team building events, workshops, seminars, and graduation
· Sign a Covenant of Commitment
What is the cost?
$250 covers the manuals, textbooks, seminars and High Adventure Camp. The materials will be ordered once you register. Payments of $83 can be made every 3 months as we begin each "stage".
Feel free to contact any of us if you have questions
Sylvia Borror: 360-609-4221| sylviegirlb@gmail.com
Bill Toops: 360-521-1794 | cudamant@msn.com
Ken Williams: 360-977-3744 | williken2@me.com
Gary Duncan: 360-356-5589 | garyduncanfamily@gmail.com